Researchers at Curtin University are exploring vaccine-hesitancy in parents who have children under the age of five and live in high-socioeconomic areas of Perth. Both the parents and Health Care Professionals that provide vaccination services or advice to parents (or have previously done so) are invited to participate in this research project. If this is you, we would be very grateful for your opinions.
Inclusion Criteria
Parents should fit some of the following criteria: have one child under the age of five years; live in one of the local government areas listed below; have worries or concerns regarding vaccination, regardless of vaccination status. Interviews can be conducted at a mutually convenient location, at Curtin University, or via Skype.
Health Care Professionals should be those who provide vaccination services, advice or have experience/knowledge relating to high-socioeconomic parents who live in the local government areas listed below. Interviews can be conducted at HCPs place of work, at Curtin University, or via Skype.
Local Government Areas included are Cambridge, Canning, Claremont, Cockburn, Cottesloe, East Fremantle, Joondalup, Kalamunda, Melville, Mosman Park, Mundaring, Nedlands, Peppermint Grove, Perth, Serpentine-Jarrahdale, South Perth, Stirling, Subiaco, Vincent and Wanneroo.
Research Purpose
The ultimate aim of this research is to obtain information that enables us to better address the concerns of the community surrounding childhood vaccination. Diversity of opinion is sought, valued and will be respected.
Participant details remain anonymous.
Research Procedure
The research will consist of one audio-recorded interview, either face-to-face or via Skype which will take approximately 30 minutes. Participants will remain anonymous.
Participants will receive a DOME coffee voucher valued at $5.00 as a thank-you token, as well as the satisfaction of knowing they have positively contributed to an important Public Health issue.
Curtin University Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC) has approved this study (HRE2017-0494).
If you would like to participate in or discuss this research further, please contact student researcher or 0414 933 050 or Associate Professor Sharyn Burns or 9266 4123