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Deliver engaging tobacco education using smart ad campaigns

July 2, 2019

The Critics’ Choice is an initiative coordinated annually by Quit Victoria as part of a strategy to reduce the prevalence of tobacco smoking amongst young people.

The program aligns with the Australian Curriculum: Health and Physical Education for Years 5 to 10.

Each year, the program highlights a series of anti-smoking advertisements from around the world for students to watch in class and critique. Students vote for the ad most effective in deterring young people from smoking, with participating schools going into the draw to WIN a prize. Teachers are provided with free complementary resources to engage their students in learning and discussion on the different issues surrounding tobacco use.

Voting is open from 15th July to 20th September 2019. Entries are only valid from schools in Victoria, Tasmania, Western Australia, NSW, ACT and Queensland.

For more information, teacher resources and voting, visit

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