Curtin University, with funding from the WA Department of Health, looks forward to continuing to supporting the work of teachers and other school staff to deliver effective sexuality and relationships education (SRE) within WA schools.
Growing & Developing Healthy Relationships (GDHR) provides curriculum support for teachers in sexual health and relationships education. Visit This comprehensive resource contains learning activities that all align to the WA Curriculum: Health and Physical Education, and new activities are being added on a regular basis. The site also includes some highly informative background information such as how to establish classroom ground rules, dealing with disclosures and engaging with parents.
A number of exciting events planned for 2017, including:
- Two 2-day SRE workshops will be offered in 2017 – one in Perth and one in the Kimberley
- 1-day symposium to showcase the latest in school-based SRE
- Seeking schools as possible case study sites
- Some other events
Please see below for more information…
The very popular 2-day workshops will be offered again in 2017. Please note the following in your diaries…
Perth workshop:
This will be offered on the Thursday 19th and Friday 20th October, 2017 at Technology Park Function Centre, Bentley
Schools will be partially reimbursed for teaching relief expenses (up to $400 per teacher per day)
Some funds will be available for participants who need to travel from intrastate (e.g. accommodation, fuel, flights). Registrations are very competitive and we give preference to group applications (e.g. 2-4 staff from a school). Contact for more information.
Kimberley workshop:
This workshop is tentatively booked for the Friday 28th and Saturday 29th July, 2017 in Broome
Please email if you are keen to attend, or click here for registration information. Some funds will be available for participants who live in the wider region and financial assistance to travel to Broome (e.g. accommodation, fuel). We regret that schools cannot be reimbursed for teaching relief expenses for this event
The last two symposiums have attracted more than 150 delegates and we are keen to break further records in 2017. If you are interested in assisting to put together a dynamic and informative program, please email and put your hand up to join our advisory committee. This 1-day event will run in Term 3, 2017.
The GDHR team is keen to evaluate the impact of teacher training on the implementation of SRE in a purposive sample of schools. They are looking for two secondary schools to participate in a case study evaluation. As part of the evaluation you will be provided places for at least 3-4 teachers at our 2017 workshops in addition to other school staff (e.g. school nurses). The school will receive some additional support to help set up a ‘Health Promoting School’. This includes strategies that may enhance curriculum, ethos and environment and parent and community engagement.
As part of the case study, a Project Officer will conduct some interviews with key staff and run some focus groups with students. Students from years 7 to 9 will be invited to participate in an online survey focusing on knowledge and attitudes towards SRE. The school will also be involved in an audit to determine how it functions as a ‘Health Promoting School.’
All of these strategies will be supported and the schools involved will receive additional support. We also have a small amount of funding ($500) for these schools to purchase additional resources.
At this stage we are calling for expressions of interest. Please email if you are interested and/or would like more details. Ethics approval is being sought from the Curtin University Human Research Ethics Committee and will also be sought from relevant school Ethics Committees before we commence.
The GDHR team plans to run some additional after-school seminars and online training sessions throughout the year. These include Showcase: New sexuality and relationships resources on 17 May, and Traffic Lights – An overview, a webinar on 21 June. See this flyer for more information.