Heath Area

Health & Safety

Playground Advisory Service

Kidsafe WA’s Playground Advisory Service provides a range of services to help create and maintain safe, creative play-spaces that support children’s development, learning and wellbeing.

Safety in Schools

The Kidsafe WA Safety in Schools program aims to reduce childhood injuries by encouraging schools to address injury prevention. Kidsafe WA offer interactive school incursions for year 1, 2 and 3 students covering key injury prevention topics of safety at home, at play and on the road.

SunSmart Schools

The SunSmart Schools program aims to minimise student and staff exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun at school and during school-associated activities.

Generation SunSmart On-line Learning Modules

Learn about: skin cancer, being SunSmart, the UV Alert, UV levels and how to incorporate sun protection strategies into your day to day activities. Plus receive a Certificate of Acknowledgment upon completion.

Kidskin Sun Safety Education Resources

The Kidskin sun safety education resources offer primary school teachers ready-made curriculum activities and programs to enhance sun protection learning experiences. Kidskin activities are student-centered, interactive, cross-curricular and most importantly FUN!

RAC Road Ready®: On the Roads Program (secondary schools)

RAC’s free road safety education program for year 10 – 12 students includes a series of in-class presentations, online resources and road safety events that are designed to influence risk reduction, increase resilience, and encourage responsible behaviour on the roads. The program aims to educate the next generation of drivers on how to stay safe as a passenger or driver on the roads.
RAC bstreetsmart (Metro Perth) and RAC Project Road Smart® (Regional WA) are free road safety events for years 10 – 12 that educate students about the consequences of distracted driving, speeding and drink driving. Students will experience a recreation of a crash scene delivered through a live re-enactment or filmed docudrama and hear from guest speakers who have been directly impacted by road trauma. The event informs students on how to reduce risk taking behaviours as a driver and a passenger.

RAC Little Legends Club®: Around the Roads Program (primary schools)

RAC’s free road safety education program for pre-primary to year 6 students includes in-class presentations, online resources and interactive games that align to the WA Curriculum. This program is an engaging way to educate students about road safety and helps students develop valuable skills to become safe road users. The engaging and interactive in-class presentations run for 45 – 60 minutes and can be booked online.

CHAT: Changing Health Acting Together

CHAT is a Health Promoting Schools (HPS) initiative that enables schools to develop a whole-school approach to resilience, drug and road safety education.  SDERA works with schools to help embed a comprehensive approach and develop and implement longer-term health and wellbeing initiatives.

Get on Board Education Program

Transperth’s Get on Board education program is now available online. The website provides curriculum-based resources and lesson plans for teachers, parents and students to engage in public transport education in a fun and interactive way. This program helps upper primary students to transition to independent and safe travel on public transport in readiness for high school. Schools can book an Incursion in which a Transperth Education Officer goes out to the classroom and brings the information on the website to life with an interactive presentation to the group. Schools can also book a Get on Board Station Tour to further their learning outside the classroom and arrange group tickets for train travel via the website.

Growing Developing Healthy Relationships

GDHR is a free resource to support schools to deliver comprehensive relationships and sexuality education in line with the WA Health and Physical Education Curriculum and International Technical Guidance for Sexual Health Education. It includes lesson plans, educator notes, teaching strategies, best practice guidelines and professional learning opportunities. Parents should also check out a resource to help them Talk soon. Talk Often. Home – Talk Soon Talk Often (gdhr.wa.gov.au)

Skin First Aid, Screening and Education

Melanoma skin cancer is the most common cancer in Aussies aged 15-29 years. Early detection and education for people of all ages is vital in the fight against skin cancer. Specialists in early detection and education programs, Spotscreen offers a range of community-based skin cancer screening and training programs that help save lives. Perfect for teachers, school staff, parents and students, Spotscreen’s engaging onsite programs can help protect the health & safety of your school and community.

DonateLife WA

DonateLife Western Australia sits under the Public Health branch within the North Metropolitan Area Health Service (NMHS). The agency coordinates all professional organ and tissue donation activities for transplantation across the state and works with hospitals and hospital-based DonateLife medical specialists and nurses to encourage best practice and to increase donation rates. The agency also offers compassionate support to donor families for as long as they require it.

DonateLife WA also aims to raise awareness and encourage discussion about organ and tissue donation in the wider community. Currently only 38% of Western Australian’s have registered their donation decision on the Australian Organ Donor Register and nationally only 8% of all 16–25-year-olds have registered their decision.  It is now possible to register online in less than a minute at – https://donatelife.gov.au/register-donor-today – you just need your Medicare details.

School education resources and information about organ and tissue donation are also available online – https://www.donatelife.gov.au/education-resources. These are aligned to the learning descriptions in the Australian Curriculum and are now available for both teachers and students. DonateLife WA also offers presentations to year 11 & 12 students and offer information and registration opportunities at School Health Expositions. For further information, please ask to speak with the Communications Officer.

Royal Life Saving Society Western Australia

The sport of Pool Lifesaving involves students learning how to conduct water rescues in a safe and fun environment. The program can be easily incorporated into your current swim program, swim club or school sports. Have the Sport Development Program Officer visit your pool and teach you all the skills needed to run this popular program.

Young people aged 15-24 have the second highest drowning rate of any age group in Western Australia, with young males being particularly over-represented.

Royal Life Saving Society WA’s ‘Be a Mermate’ campaign aims to reduce drowning and aquatic injury by educating young people about the dangers associated with
alcohol consumption and risk-taking behaviour in and around water.

Our FREE water safety presentations, interactive stalls and educational resources raise awareness of these risk factors and provide young people with the skills to look out for their mates in and around water.

Phone: (08) 9383 8200. Email: beamermate@royallifesavingwa.com.au.
Website: https://royallifesavingwa.com.au/programs/youth-water-safety/services-we-provide

Life Education Programs

Life Education WA provide a range of age appropriate Curriculum outcome based programs from Kindergarten to Year 6. Click for more information for K and PP and for primary modules here. The sections marked in yellow refer to Mental Health outcomes. Life Education WA partner with both Government and Non Government Schools and provide education to around 30,000 primary students each year.

Dental Health Services (Oral Health Promotions)

Dental Health Services provide support and guidance to the School Dental Services, Adult General Clinics and individuals undertaking oral health promotion activities. Dental Health Services also designs and develops resources for oral health promotion targeting individuals and communities, and contributes to oral health research.


Child Safety Professional Learning and Resources

WA Child Safety Services offers workshops by qualified and experienced trainers including:
• Child Protection & Mandatory Reporting
• Protective Behaviours
• Cyber Safety & Digital Wellness
• Healthy Relationships
WACSS stocks a comprehensive range of abuse prevention resources including Primary School curriculum, books, posters and games.

Abuse Prevention Programs for Students

WA Child Safety Services offers sessions for primary and secondary students including protective behaviours, cyber safety, healthy relationships, and consent.

Better Health Program – A free healthy lifestyle program for children 6-12 years.

Better Health Program – A free healthy lifestyle program for children 6-12 years.

The Better Health Program is a free, 10-week healthy lifestyle program for 6-12 year olds and their parent or carer. The program is free for eligible families in Western Australia thanks to the WA Department of Health and can be done online or in person.

Across the program families learn about healthy eating, reading food labels, battling screen time and building healthy habits through fun and interactive weekly sessions. Families receive support from qualified health professionals throughout the program, along with resources and motivational freebies like free sports equipment!  

When: Registrations are open now!

Group-based: Term 2

Online: Flexible starts – start as soon as you register!

How: To sign up please visit: https://betterhealthprogram.org/ or call 1300 899 736″



If you are a parent or carer of a child in their early years who struggles with healthy eating, physical activity and active play ideas, the Active8 Program can help your family make healthy changes.

You can help your child learn healthy lifestyle habits that can reduce the risk of illness and support them to lead a healthy life.

The WA Department of Health is funding free places on the Active8 Program for children aged 2-5 years and their families throughout WA.

Connect with your own health coach over the phone and other parents in an online environment. The online format provides flexibility for busy parents whilst still supporting families to establish healthy habits for young children.

The evidence-based program is being delivered by health professionals online.

Start the 9-week program as soon as you enrol. For more information or to sign up go to:  https://theactive8.org/wa


Term 3 registrations are now open for in person programs. 

Locations for our FREE in person programs are:

Better Health Program:

  • Cannington
  • Joondalup
  • Osborne Park
  • North Perth

  The Active8 Program:

  • Balga


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