The number of children with sporting injuries has continued to rise over the last five years, with an average of 4,300 children attending the Perth Children’s Hospital each year. Older children aged between 10 and 14 years are at greater risk of sustaining a sports-related injury. This is possibly due to a decrease in rule modification as children get older and a higher number of older children participating in competitive sports in comparison to younger children. Males also account for two thirds of all sports-related injuries.
The Kidsafe WA Sports app is now available for download via the Apple and Google Play app stores. The app covers key topics of preparing for sport, safety equipment, hydration, heat related injury, concussion and first aid. Additional features include checklists for coaches, parents and young athletes, injury record, nearest medical facilities, UV and temperature ratings and water consumption.
Sport and physical activity are a vital part of childhood development, allowing children to improve physical, cognitive and social skills with others. Injury risks however, are often perceived as a barrier to participation. Kidsafe WA Sports provides a range of tools to assist coaches, parents and players on how to reduce the risk of childhood injury during sport and physical activity. Kidsafe WA Sports will help make sure kids are playing sport, not injured on the sidelines!
For more information visit: or download the flyer.