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Invitation to participate in on-line evaluation survey

May 10, 2016

You may be familiar with Growing and Developing Healthy Relationships (GDHR), an on-line curriculum resource for teachers in the relationships and sexuality education developed by the Department of Health WA in association with other groups.

GDHR is being evaluated by John Scougall Consulting Services and the associated on-line Survey being independently administered by Christina Ballantyne is now ‘live’ and can be accessed on the link below.

Your participation would be greatly appreciated by clicking on the link and completing the survey.

It should take around 10 minutes and needs to be completed in one sitting.  Please be assured that responses to the survey are confidential and no staff from WA Health, the Department of Education or other organisations will receive or see your survey responses.

(Also please note if you happen to receive another message and link directly from Christina Ballantyne about this survey, it’s preferable that you use the link sent by Christina rather than the URL link above because it enables more responsive oversight and administration).

*If you have any problems accessing the survey, please contact Christina Ballantyne on

The survey is voluntary however feedback will be very helpful to colleagues and fellow teachers/educators in assisting GDHR meet the needs of those doing this important work with students in schools and Universities

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