An independent Impact Evaluation of WA Department of Health’s Curriculum Support website for Teachers: GDHR (Growing & Developing Healthy Relationships) was undertaken by John Scougall Consulting Services in 2016 with the support of an expert cross-agency reference group.
John utilised multiple information sources and methodologies to inform the study, collect data and reach the findings; a literature review of best practice, a desktop analysis of relevant documents/reports, an on-line survey of teachers and educators who use the website, a series of qualitative interviews with a selected group of website users, and a program logic workshop and two intensive case studies.
The final Impact Evaluation Report, Executive Summary and seven supporting documents are now available and can be viewed the on-line publications on the GDHR site.
An Implementation Plan is currently being prepared to respond to the eleven key recommendations, with some of these measures having already commenced.
For more information, contact Maryrose Baker