2019 WAHPSA 30th Birthday Breakfast

WAHPSA turned 30th and everyone came to celebrate!

The annual WAHPSA networking breakfast was a celebration this year as the Association turned 30. Current and past members came to share stories and catch up with old friends. Of course a delicious breakfast was on hand while everyone networked and reminisced including a fabulous birthday cake made by current Treasurer Sally Blane.


Past President Megan Sauzier was a fabulous MC and provided some great anecdotes into the way so many people in the room had been instrumental in growing the Association.

Current President Leisha Aberle had spent hours trawling through old files and documents to provide everyone with a trip down memory lane. From the very beginning as the School Health Coalition to the amazing work done by the committee to bring the Australian Health Promoting Schools Association Conference to Perth to the launch of the WAHPSA website.  It was an incredible amount of work gathering all this information and everyone thoroughly enjoyed hearing. For a copy of the presentation see here.

Our two very special key note speakers Dr Erica Davidson and Dr Robyn Johnston summed up the journey of health promotion in schools and their journey with WAHPSA perfectly.  See Dr Davidson’s presentation and Dr Johnston’s presentation for more information.

Our special panellists, Sue Dimitrijevich and Deb Fitzsimons rounded out the morning nicely with their historical perspective on WAHPSA and the benefits of being part of the committee.

The WAHPSA Committee also took the opportunity to present some awards to some special contributors .

  • Honorary Life Member Award – Sue Dimitrijevich and Jill Darby
  • Dux Award – Deb Fitzsimons
  • English Award – Peta Pring
  • Quiet Achiever Award – Helping Minds
  • Financial ‘Wiz’ Award – Robin Bromley
  • Jack of All Trades Award – Sally Blane
  • STEM Award – Sharon Swaney & Michelle McIntosh
  • Queen of Connections – Megan Sauzier
  • Walk the Talk Award – Jacqui Cooper

A huge thank you to all those who attended and participated.  Here’s to the next 30 years!

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