2019 Cyril Jackson Breakfast

WAHPSA Breakfast meeting in conjunction with the Cyril Jackson Health Festival

On 15 May, the WA Health Promoting Schools Association held a networking event prior to Cyril Jackson Senior College’s Health Festival. This is the fourth such event WAHPSA has held, with stall holders at the Health Festival invited to meet other representatives working in school health.

Attendees enjoyed coffee and breakfast prepared and served by CJ students with Cath MacDougall’s guidance before the Hot topic discussions began.

WAHPSA catering (2)

Hot Topic: 

  • What effect does nutrition and physical activity have on young people?
  • How much do we actually know about what young people are thinking?

Facilitator for the day was Jill Darby who helped to ensure the Hot Topic was explored at length. This year we were lucky to have two amazing Cyril Jackson students join us to help provide further insight. Brenton Hughes and Nazeera Badoola have both travelled incredible journeys to be at Cyril Jackson and shared their stories with a captivated audience. We thank them for their time and valuable contribution to the morning. Ben Durrant representing Bluearth, Jess Marmoy from Helping Minds and Reearna Morgan from Foodbank rounded out our discussion panel.

The topic of mental health and young people was based on a recent survey conducted by Mission Australia, the survey results can be assessed here. We posed a number of question to the attendees with surprising results.  The use of Mentimeter was a great way to see what everyone’s perspective was.

WAHPSA cateringWAHPSA catering (1)

















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