‘Writing for Life’ is a 300-word competition that seeks to inspire and raise awareness of organ and tissue donation, Western Australian high school students are being asked to “step into the minds” of someone who is waiting and wishing for a second chance at life.
Launched to coincide with DonateLife Week 2018 the ‘Writing for Life’ competition, through creativity and passion will raise the level of conscious thinking about organ and tissue donation.
With $2000 worth of prizes, generously donated by Donor Mate and Mr Geoff Spencer – in memory of his wife Ros who became an organ donor, entries will be read and judged by WA children’s author and double lung recipient, Sandi Parson’s and WA teens issue’s writer Nadia King.
The competition closes on Friday 21st September. Winners will be awarded in four categories; 12-13, 14-15, and 16-18 year olds and students who are studying English as a second language, with prizes being presented close to the National DonateLife Thankyou Day in November, 2018.
See the relevant documents below or for more information see the School Resources on the DonateLife website.
Young writers entry form, rules and how to guide.
While on the DonateLife website check out Jersey Day
Friday 31 August marks the fourth annual Jersey Day , a national community-led initiative organised by the Nathan Gremmo Community Fund, dedicated to spreading the message of organ and tissue donation and encouraging more Australians to register their donation decision.