Supplies breakfast food to registered schools free of charge, giving all students an equal opportunity to receive a nutritious breakfast on a regular basis.
Food and Nutrition
School Breakfast Program


Foodbank WA’s nom! programs are engaging, face-to-face healthy eating and cooking programs which can be tailored for different audiences, including school-aged children, youth, and parents. Programs aim to improve participants’ knowledge and understanding of nutritious foods, and build skills and confidence to prepare healthy foods. nom! is tasty learning for life!
Foodcore Nutrition Services Inc. (previously known as WASCA)

Foodcore Nutrition Services Inc. (previously known as WASCA) assists school canteens and other food services to provide and promote healthy choices and operate economically viable and professional businesses. We do this by empowering food services with training, practical tools, information and advice as well as working in partnership with schools and the wider community, government, food industry, workplaces and other non-government organisations.
Examples of services include: CORE Finances Training, Canteen consultancy, Food Safety Supervisor Training, Bespoke nutrition workshops, Advisory service.

Crunch&Sip is a time during the school day for students to eat vegetables or fruit and drink water in the classroom. Western Australian primary schools and classrooms can officially sign up to participate and will receive free educational resources, curriculum materials, merchandise and may be able to access a starter grant to assist in getting the program off the ground.
Take the Challenge teacher resources

Take the Challenge teacher resources target four key messages: 1. be more active, 2. drink water and 3. eat healthy food to 4. beat disease.
Click to access: Introduction, Early Childhood Module, Middle Childhood Module, Early Adolescence Module and Appendices.
Kitchen Garden Classroom

The Kitchen Garden classroom developed by Stephanie Alexander’s Kitchen Garden Foundation (SAKGF) offers ELC, Primary and secondary schools the opportunity to engage in curriculum based hands on learning.
SNAC (incorporating SNACPlus)

A nutrition and healthy eating support site for early childhood education and care services. There are many reliable, accurate resources to help you provide a healthy eating environment at your service – fact sheets, recipes, videos, quizzes. SNACPlus is a resource to help early childhood educators introduce food and nutrition education to the children they teach. Materials have been developed specifically for early childhood education and care services, and meet the requirements of the ‘Early Years Learning Framework’ and ‘National Quality Standards’, to embed good food habits among young children that will stay with them through adulthood.
Visit our Facebook page!
Superhero Foods®

Superhero Foods® is an online initiative that provides a fun, fresh approach to teaching nutrition education to school-aged children. Foodbank WA have posters, storybooks, recipe booklets, a web app and more, to support learning about healthy eating, and show that Everyday Foods are really Superhero Foods in disguise.
EON Thriving Communities Program

The EON Thriving Communities Program has been operating since 2005. It is a hands-on, practical gardening, nutrition education, cooking and hygiene program, delivered in partnership with remote schools and focused on improving health and preventing disease in remote Aboriginal communities throughout Western Australia and Northern Territory.
Prepare Produce Provide (PPP)

Prepare Produce Provides creates opportunities for the youth of WA to work with industry’s finest chefs,, cooking dishes featuring our amazing Australian flavours. PPP are passionate about changing the world… one meal at a time. Projects such as 5000 Meals (preparing meals for the homeless), Smartfish School Education Project (using sustainable seafood) and a yearly camp supporting Indigenous youth leaders have been successfully run though schools and community locations across Western Australia over the last five years.
Life Education Programs

Life Education WA provide a range of age appropriate Curriculum outcome based programs from Kindergarten to Year 6. Click for more information for K and PP and for primary modules here. The sections marked in yellow refer to Mental Health outcomes. Life Education WA partner with both Government and Non Government Schools and provide education to around 30,000 primary students each year.
Packed with Goodness
Cancer Council WA is offering FREE healthy lunchbox education sessions for parents at all Western Australian primary schools. The sessions are 90 minutes in length, run by qualified health professionals and cover following topics; tips for packing a healthy lunchbox, healthy alternatives to pre-packaged snacks, the importance of vegies and fruits for kids, label reading, the best drink choices for kids.
Kinjarling Djinda Ngardak Culinary Experience

The Kinjarling Djinda Ngardak program offers Indigenous students from across WA the opportunity to attend a week-long culinary camp where they will receive training and mentorship from some of WA’s top chefs including Paul Iskov, Melissa Palinkas, Anna Gare, David Gilmour and Indigenous chef Reece Lardi, allowing students to develop their culinary skills using modern cooking techniques met with traditional and locally sourced ingredients.
Throughout the week students also participate in cultural activities with Menang Elders and Cultural Leaders, ranging from art classes to bush walks allowing the students to share stories, spend time on country, and identify and forage for local bush foods.
Better Health Program – A free healthy lifestyle program for children 6-12 years.

Better Health Program – A free healthy lifestyle program for children 6-12 years.
The Better Health Program is a free, 10-week healthy lifestyle program for 6-12 year olds and their parent or carer. The program is free for eligible families in Western Australia thanks to the WA Department of Health and can be done online or in person.
Across the program families learn about healthy eating, reading food labels, battling screen time and building healthy habits through fun and interactive weekly sessions. Families receive support from qualified health professionals throughout the program, along with resources and motivational freebies like free sports equipment!
Group-based: Term 4
Online: Flexible starts – start as soon as you register!
Who is eligible:
- Children aged between 6-12 years, living in Western Australia.
AND one of the following:
Classified as ‘above a healthy weight’ based on CDC BMI growth charts (>85th percentile for age and gender) at program commencement as measured for healthy growth check 1.
- OR referred directly by qualified primary care, allied health, or community health professional, requiring healthy lifestyle support and school health nurses.
When: Registrations are open now!
How: To sign up please visit: or call 1300 899 736
Download the flyer here:
If you are a parent or carer of a child in their early years who struggles with healthy eating, physical activity and active play ideas, the Active8 Program can help your family make healthy changes.
You can help your child learn healthy lifestyle habits that can reduce the risk of illness and support them to lead a healthy life.
The WA Department of Health is funding free places on the Active8 Program for children aged 2-5 years and their families throughout WA.
Connect with your own health coach over the phone and other parents in an online environment. The online format provides flexibility for busy parents whilst still supporting families to establish healthy habits for young children.
The evidence-based program is being delivered by health professionals online.
Start the 9-week program as soon as you enrol. For more information or to sign up go to:
Term 4 registrations are now open for in person programs.
Locations for our FREE in person programs are:
Better Health Program:
- Cannington – BOUNCE
- Joondalup – BOUNCE
- Osborne Park – BOUNCE
The Active8 Program:
- Healthridge – Spiers Centre (spots limited!)